Tuesday, December 15, 2015

TRID's Impact On Lenders and The Consumer - Not Good News

It is the holidays, and I receive my fair share of automatic e-mail responses. Some are actually apologetic about taking a day off, or even leaving work for the day. And every once in a while someone breaks out of the mold. (Part 2 of 5 where I took the time to find some of the more interesting ones.)


Happy Thursday: Why is Prancer always wet? Rein-deer? I'm out in the field today visiting clients and will respond between customer visits...

 I will be out of the office Thursday at noon and returning Monday morning. I am tired. I will have very limited access to email and voicemails but will return a reply as soon as I am able...

 Thank you for your email. I am currently out of the office Today, Thursday, December 3rd & returning tomorrow after attending a meeting that my company makes me go to...

 Sorry I am not available at this time. I will check my emails periodically, and reply when I can.  For emergencies contact someone else.

What is this? Fear of a bubble in commercial real estate? Apparently the Fed is increasingly concerned about asset pricing and lending practices in commercial real estate markets but lacks the tools to appropriately address the excesses. But in other countries those crafty multi-family architects not only don't care, but have some interesting ideas about combining skiing and apartment living.
NMP is offering up another webinar: "Does Your 2016 Business Plan Contain Fatal Flaws That Will All But Ensure Failure?" It will be held this Thursday, December 17, at 2PM EST. "We're changing the way we absorb information but more importantly we're better at filtering information. Real estate agents and consumers now have a different process by which they let people into their personal decision making space. In this clinic you'll learn how agents and buyers will absorb information in 2016, why overcoming objections no longer builds trust, and no & low cost ways to connect with Real Estate Agents and Buyers in a meaningful way. Register here for this free webinar provided by National Mortgage Professional Magazine.
There is a Lenders Compliance Group webinar today on "TRID Challenges: Guidance for Real Estate Professionals". "Major changes under the TRID Rule, New Disclosures, TILA/RESPA - Boot Camp Basics, Timeframes: No Changed Circumstance, Timeframes: Changed Circumstance, and Actions to improve timely closings."
And the MBA is hosting a webinar on Wednesday with Mike Fratantoni and Steve O'Connor. The session is geared toward the global/institutional investor community, but the discussion and content would certainly be applicable to anyone looking for an update on the state of housing finance.
Today Fannie Mae's trading desk is offering up an upcoming "Best Efforts Execution" webinar to help lenders manage their pipeline and interest rate risk and eliminate fall out risk in a best efforts whole loan commitment. "Join us for a webinar at 2PM EST on Tuesday, December 15. To register contact the Capital Markets Sales Desk at 1-800-752-0257 for more information.
Are the "Know Before You Owe", TILA-RESPA reform changes impacting consumers? It certainly appears so. One broker wrote to me saying, "TRID just cost my client $345. My lender used to give me a 30 day rate lock and that didn't have to include the recession. Now it's a 30 day lock but I need 6 days for the CD to be sent and acknowledged. In reality I went from a 34 day rate lock to a 24 day rate lock. To put it in raw numbers based off of this loan, every 5 days costs the consumer .125. So if I'm burning 10 days that's .25 - does the consumer really win?"
And from Oregon Pete wrote, "The delays from TRID are evident. I am now into my third TRID closing, and as a broker close loans with different creditors. There are myriad of unforeseen reasons that are causing delays. And there are more restraints in place, limiting our flexibility for the consumer."
Let's go back a month or two and see how things got to where they are today, which is that most lenders are "dealing" with it but the Realtors and title companies seem befuddled, and the industries are searching for guidance.
Remember when Existing Home Sales fell to 5.36 million in October, according to the NAR? The median home price increased to $219,600. "It doesn't appear that TRID had much of an effect on home sales, at least so far" said the NAR.
Genworth Mortgage Insurance published results from a survey of mortgage professionals conducted at the MBA's annual conference. Findings show that 38 percent of survey respondents are concerned about complying with the new TRID rules, which has been the biggest hurdle in implementing the regulation. Additionally, 35 percent said that having the right technology was their biggest TRID challenge and then 22 percent believed that communication with borrowers discussing the new rules was another challenge. These findings do not come as a surprise, as most of the industry has been struggling with implementing the new regulation and has resulted in a large learning curve for most.
Zelman and Associates published its Mortgage Originator Survey implying that the industry has been focused on TRID, trying to implement the new disclosures. Back then respondents reported that YoY purchase application growth has accelerated to 18 percent in September from 15 percent in August, which is partly due to the push for applications prior to TRID's effective date of October 3rd. Lenders marked the impact of TRID as moderately disruptive and expressed that most of the disruptions will be on the back end, at the time of loan closing, due to the strict timing requirements. For more information, contact Ivy at ivy@zelmanassociates.com.
Zelman & Associates returned with its November Mortgage Survey and a report on TRID. The feedback from contacts has been that TRID is creating more disruptions than anticipated and expected last month, particularly in the broker channel, which we expect to be a drag on existing home sales in November.
Zelman noted, "November marked the second month that the TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosure (TRID) rule was effective for mortgage applications. Despite challenges associated with the implementation of the new disclosure forms, purchase mortgage applications increased 17% year over year in November, accelerating roughly 400 basis points from October's growth rate as applications rebounded from the initial slowdown, which we attributed to cautiousness around TRID last month. However, the impact of the rule is expected to be more evident in closings in November and December given that closing timelines for the first round of TRID applications were extended by five to seven days, on average. According to contacts, implementation has varied significantly between origination channels, with retail (~55% of originations) performing strongest given in-house control of the application process and wholesale broker (~10%) faring the worst. For our financials coverage, we are cautious in the near-term given the potential for volume shortfalls caused by TRID delays, and reduced 4Q15 EPS estimates for the title insurers and NIW estimates for the mortgage insurers, as discussed in greater detail in our TRID report."
 "In recent weeks, mortgage lenders have begun the process of attempting to close an increasingly large percentage of their originations on newly-mandated TRID forms, required for mortgage applications submitted on or after October 3rd. Overall, TRID appears to be causing worse-than-expected delays in closings, particularly in the wholesale channel, as well as increases in expenses, resulting in lower 4Q15 earnings estimates for certain volume-driven companies. In addition, we believe that existing home closings in November are set to severely disappoint consensus expectations. However, we expect the industry to better-manage the disruption as December progresses, resulting in little spillover to 2016."
Lenders and investors continue to react, and paying attention to the calendar is critical. For example Freedom Mortgage has presented some helpful tips on loan closings in the month of December. "For all Non-TRID loans, the last day to close is 12/23/15. Final conditions submitted to underwriting 12/16/15 and final approval no later than 12/18/15. For all TRID loans, the last day to close is 12/23/15. CD sent electronically or by mail and acknowledged by applicant: Final conditions submitted to underwriting by 12/11/15; Final approval no later than 12/15/15. CD acknowledged by applicant no later than 12/19/15*. *All applicants who have the right to rescind must acknowledge the CD. CD sent electronically or by mail and NOT acknowledged by applicant: Final conditions submitted to underwriting by 12/09/15; Final approval no later than 12/11/15, CD out to applicant no later than 12/16/15."
But Dodd-Frank's impact doesn't stop with the primary markets. It has severely curtailed market-making operations at investment banks, and right now there are very few buyers of distressed credit as hedge funds face redemptions and investment banks cannot step in because of capital requirementsIn fact, the regulators are considering additional steps to ensure a bank failure doesn't bring down the entire financial system, which means that investment banks will probably de-risk further, making them even less likely to act as market-makers. This will be an interesting first test of a financial crisis in the new Dodd-Frank world.

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