Friday, August 26, 2011

August 26: Clarification on UAD rollout dates; odds of mass refi plan actually happening

Don't you always wonder how much the guys standing at the
stoplights take

home, tax-free? It is a little farcical, but:





A doctor examining a woman who had been rushed to the
Emergency Room took

the husband aside and said, "I don't like the looks
of your wife at all."

"Me neither doc,"

said the husband. "But she's a great cook and really
good with the kids."

Life often involves dealing with misunderstandings and
confusion, and the

rumors surrounding a mass refi plan certainly fit into
that category. In

general markets trade off of future prospects and the
prospects of a huge

government-sponsored refi plan is roiling the markets. (I
even set out some

more in-depth thoughts at MassRefi




Any plan must help a broad group of homeowners, stimulate
the economy, and

cost next-to-nothing.

One trader mentioned that, "after HAMP and HARP the
U.S. is now ready to

launch a new program called Helping Underwater Mortgage
Performance" and

that the market "went toxic after it heard that
Obama was getting "REFI.GOV"

vanity plates for his new limo." As one would
expect, the prices of

premium/older production are suffering compared to

production. Yesterday, for example, Fannie 6's
(containing 6.25-6.625% 30-yr

mortgages) were down .5 in price versus Fannie 4's which
improved nearly


One proposal would allow millions of homeowners with

mortgages to
refinance them at today's lower interest rates, which in turn

would lower their mortgage bills and, in theory, help the
economy since

they'll take the money and spend it elsewhere. Homeowners who have been

unable to refinance their loans either because they owe
more than their

houses are now worth or because of bad credit.

Other suggestions include a large-scale home rental
program that would keep

foreclosures off the market. What is lacking, of course,
are any concrete

details about any of this. Items such as how delinquent
borrowers would be

treated versus on-time borrowers, who would administer
the program, and how

would investors be made whole are immense issues.

In the meanwhile teams of researchers at all the investment
banks are

sending out educated guesses as to the pros and cons of
various plans. (I

bet this is what they really live for!) How are reps and
warrants for

existing loans handled? What about non-government loan
borrowers? If

borrowers who have their loans modified, or refinanced,
stop making their

payments, can investors go back to originators under buy
back provisions?

When did HARP become a verb? ("If you HARP these
seasoned loans you are

exposed to new put-back risk. If these borrowers default
in their current

form, it is very difficult for the agencies to put them
back given servicers

can argue the
loans have been paying for 3+ years and therefore were issued

as clean loans.

However, once its HARPed that argument is no longer
applicable and they are

exposed to new put-back risk.") And with Republican
control, what are the

odds of anything like this happening?

It seems that conjecture is focusing on basic plans. One
is to make a low

mortgage rate available to all borrowers. Another is a
blanket settlement

between originators and FHFA that settles all existing
and future reps and

warranties liabilities, and the originators will just be
agents for the GSEs

and will not be responsible for the credit performance of HARP refied

loans. Another option is an expansion of HARP which will
remove the

origination date restriction for HARP eligible
loans, thus allowing

borrowers to do HARP multiple times and will make recent
production HARP

eligible. And the last seems to be implementing parts or
all of the changes

in Senator Boxer's bill.

An analyst wrote, "I'm not sure I understand the
economics/logic of a

refinance program. Assume for the moment that borrowers with

high LTV's, i.e., LTV's >100%, a result of home price
decline, could do a

rate and term refinance from say 6% to 4.25%. Assuming an
average remaining

term of 25 years, the monthly P&I payment would drop
by 16%. So, in real

economic terms, how worse off is FNMA or Freddie? Before the rate/payment

drop, the lender/investor has a loan on the books that is underwater and at

high risk of default. After the drop, while the loan is underwater by the

same amount, cash flow has dropped but the probability of
default has

arguably declined. Now I know that studies show that
negative equity is the

key driver of default, but I would argue that although
the borrower's equity

position has not change the borrower's perception of the
situation has. Once

a borrower is in a deep negative equity position, they
probably view their

monthly payments (after tax) as rent, not as payments on an
investment. So,

a drop in monthly payments is like a drop in rent which
improves their

likelihood of continuing the lease.

Does the reduced likelihood of default compensate for the
reduced cash flow?

I haven't analyzed this but I bet it's significant and
for some borrowers

actually increases the economic value of the loan. And,
the same argument

would apply to loans in securities."

Yesterday's commentary discussed HUD's note about the
implementation of UAD.

I should clarify that this is from HUD (mostly FHA), not
Fannie & Freddie. I

received a few

notes: "In the newsletter you mention that UAD has
been pushed back to Jan

1, 2012 per HUD mortgagee letter 2011-30. Although HUD has pushed the

implementation to
1/1/12, to the best of my knowledge FNMA and FHLMC are

still implementing UAD as of Sept 1, 2011."
"The UAD implementation date for

the GSE's is still September 1, 6 days from now. Everyone managing this

process, including the aggregators, has been waiting on
HUD's policy

concerning UAD.
The word from HUD was that they were going to adopt UAD

requirements, but didn't specify when. The mortgagee letter addresses HUD's

acceptance of UAD and their requirement for appraisals
with a case number

assignment date of January 1, 2012. This doesn't push back the GSE

implementation date."

Yesterday the commentary noted a memo from Flagstar
regarding 4506-T


In turns out that Flagstar sent out another memo:
"Effective with

underwriting submissions on or after September 1, 2011
the 4506-T Execution

Criteria have been updated for conventional loans to
reflect that one year

of tax transcripts results are required, or the most
recent two years

results if required per AUS findings. For Delegated underwriting customers,

these requirements are for all loans delivered on or
after September 12,

2011. Please note this excludes Freddie Mac Relief
Refinance, Doc.

#5354, which does
not require results."

But while we're on Flagstar, it announced that on August
18 the NYSE

provided notice to the Company that it did not satisfy
one of the NYSE's

standards for continued
listing applicable to the Company's common stock.

More information on the status, and how it can be repaired,
can be found at:






The stock and bond markets had plenty to chew on
yesterday, between Steve

Jobs leaving, Berkshire Hathaway's purchase of $5 billion
of BofA equity,

and the conjecture on everyone with a government loan
suddenly ratcheting

down their mortgage rates. (Would we be talking about
this if the employment

picture was better? MBA's chief economist Jay Brinkmann
stated in a press

call on Monday that increasing employment was the most
important thing that

the government could do to help the housing market.)
Thursday we were

reminded that hedging "like for like" makes
sense: Fannie 3.5's were better

by about .375 in price, but Fannie 4's (with 4.25-4.625%
30-yr mortgages)

were only better by .125. The 10-yr ended the day around

This morning talk seems more focused on Hurricane Irene,
and a stormy

weekend along the Eastern Seaboard. But we did see GDP
for the 2nd quarter

which came in at +1.0% versus a prior estimate of +1.3%.
We also have

Chairman Bernanke's much anticipated speech at the Fed's
annual Jackson

Hole, Wyoming symposium. His topic is "Near- and
Long-Term Prospects for the

U.S. Economy" and investors will be tuned into
actions the Fed may take to

help economic and jobs growth. Last year, he introduced
QE2 at this meeting.

In the early going stocks are pointing lower, the 10-yr
is at 2.17% and MBS

prices are better by roughly .250.

You're An EXTREME Redneck When... (Part 1 was yesterday;
part 2 today) 9.

Your junior prom offered day care.

10. You think the last words of the Star-Spangled Banner
are, "Gentlemen,

start your engines."

11. You lit a match in the bathroom and your house
exploded right off its


12. The Halloween pumpkin on your porch has more teeth
than your spouse.

13. You have to go outside to get something from the

14. One of your kids was born on a pool table.

15. You need one more hole punched in your card to get a
freebie at the

House of Tattoos.

16. You can't get married to your sweetheart because
there's a law against


17. You think loading the dishwasher means getting your
wife drunk.

If you're interested, visit my twice-a-month blog at the
STRATMOR Group web

site located at . The current
blog takes a look at

the recent news sweeping the MBS investor market
regarding a new mass refi

plan by the government.

If you have both the time and inclination, make a comment
on what I have

written, or on other comments so that folks can learn
what's going on out

there from the other readers.


(Check out

For archived commentaries, go

Copyright 2011 Rob Chrisman. All rights

Occasional paid notices do appear. This report or any
portion hereof may not

be reprinted, sold or redistributed without the written
consent of Rob




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